Welcome to Fruitless Publishing

Hello, and welcome to the new cyber-home of Fruitless Publishing. We’re all terribly excited here, what with the launch of Aaron’s new book, a satirical comedy sci-fi novel entitled CHECKOIL – The Cat’s Mechanic. It’s probably available to buy by clicking on something or other, but I haven’t really worked this all out yet…

You could try clicking on the cover photo above, but if that doesn’t work, I’m sure ‘SHOP’ in the main menu will do the trick.

The meagre (albeit splendid) offering of a single title will no doubt be supplemented in the very near future with the entire Silverwing back catalogue (all one albums) on CD or available for download. Forthcoming releases by Aaron Water & The Daze of Change will also appear as soon as they are available.

Exclusive concert footage of The Daze of Change may also appear, as if by magic (although ‘exclusive’ might be a bit strong, as it will probably end up on YouTube or Facebook as well), so stay tuned for more goodies.